
Friday, March 2, 2012

Snacks are the best.

I am a huge snacker. I always have been. I eat all the time. Honestly, I don't know how I am not, and have never been, morbidly obese... My diet is a combination of American-style eating (3 large-ish meals per day) and British colony-style eating (morning and afternoon "tea" in between meals). Plus dessert if I can get away with it. As a result, my day of eating goes something like this:
7:30am coffee & breakfast
11am morning tea
12:30pm lunch
4:30pm afternoon tea
7-8pm dinner, followed directly by dessert

A good friend of mine is considering doing her first 30 day challenge (huzzah!) and asked for some snack ideas. So I figured I would kill 2 birds with 1 stone and inform you of my British ways...

Some of my favorite/go-to paleo snacks:

Trail mix - a conglomeration of the following goodies from Trader Joe's:
roasted and unsalted fancy mixed nuts
image courtesy of
dry roasted and salted mixed nuts
image courtesy of

plus golden raisins and dried bing cherries

I usually buy 1-2 bags of each and make a giant batch. Then, as needed, I break it up into smaller batches to take with me.

Dried mango - unsweetened and unsulfured, also from Trader Joe's. Super tasty and easy. But can cause sugar high.

Banana with almond butter - I hope this needs no further explanation. Just make sure the almond butter doesn't contain added sugars or peanut oil!

Beef Jerky - if you can find some that isn't made with soy sauce or sugar... which can be tough.

Lara bars - super tasty, but shouldn't be eaten too often. Also, be sure to check the ingredients, as not all of them are paleo. Coconut cream pie is my favorite, for those that want to send fan mail ;).

image courtesy of

Guacamole and carrots - Wholly Guacamole(R) is paleo and tasty, if you're not up for making your own.

Olives - salty, but can boost energy if you're in a pinch.

Hard-boiled eggs

Shake - If you have some time (talking like 5-10 minutes here), this shake is delicious and filling. This usually serves as my "afternoon tea" and gives me energy for CrossFit or rugby.
I get a giant bag of frozen, organic berries from Costco (though any berry mix will do).
I blend about 1/2 cup of berries with 1/2 avocado, a banana, and coconut milk. Once, my roommate convinced me to put spinach in it. It didn't affect the flavor, but gave it a weird, grimy texture that I didn't like.

That's all I can think of for now. If you have other ideas, let me know! And happy Friday!

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