
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Girl Scout Crack... I mean, Cookies

For me, February has been a month filled with things that have led to downfalls in both my paleo eating (well, really, drinking) and my paleo blogging (my deepest apologies to the 5 people who read this. love you all!). These include, but are not limited to: a trip to Vegas, fondue for 2!, a Harry Potter-themed dinner (yes, I'm a big nerd), the return of rugby, and a trip to Fort Lauderdale.

February also marks the time of year where green-clad little girls wait outside of the grocery store for you, selling cookies.

image courtesy of

They don't even need to say anything. They just sit at their folding table, knowing that you'll succumb and buy several boxes of sugary deliciousness at $4 a pop.

Unfortunately, I didn't even have to go to the grocery store to face this evil temptation... my co-worker across the hall sells them for her daughter. So, of course, out of charity and the goodness of my heart, I bought a few boxes. (They only come around once a year, right?!)

In this month of indulgence, I have found that a limited amount of girl scout cookies does very little damage. Sure, I get a bit of a sugar buzz after eating them, but they're so g-d delicious that I just can't bring myself to care. And, if I eat mostly paleo and allow myself only 1 or 2 cookies each day, I still feel pretty good about myself.

The days I feel the worst are those where I barely eat fully-paleo meals AND allow myself as many treats as I want. Like the other day when I got Korean food for dinner and then ate 5 samoas. whoops... I'm still feeling the residual effects of those coconutty-caramel bites. So, with very few trips scheduled for March and the promise that Leap Day brings, I shall start eating paleo again, allow myself a few thin mints a day until I run out, severely cut back on the drinking, and blog on the regular. And maybe I'll try that 7-minute burpee WOD. Stay tuned!

UPDATE: did the 7-minute burpee WOD shortly after writing this post. 104 in 7 minutes! Imagine what could've been done had I not eaten those samoas!


  1. you are clever and adorable. And I want to be your best friend.

    1. Aw, well thanks Matt! Continue to read and best friends we shall become :)
