

I am: a paleo-eater (mostly), a cross fitter, a rugby player, a nutrition and fitness enthusiast, and a researcher. I also have a sweet tooth, travel often, like having a social life, and get sick of cooking all the time. Man, life is hard. I'm here to share my experiences and, hopefully, make your life a little easier.

I first started eating paleo in June 2010. I dove straight in and, cold turkey, joined my friend in a Whole 30 program []. Why? Because I like a challenge. Because I wanted to get stronger. (I'm a 5' tall rugby player who averages 115 lbs. I needed to get stronger.) Because I wanted to see if paleo lived up to the hype.

After 10 miserable days, I found that, if I ate enough throughout the day, I had more energy, no crashes, and was slowly building strength. If you've found my blog, I'm sure you've perused the hundreds of other paleo blogs that say the same thing. So I'm not here to regale you with the wonders of paleo. You can check out my links page for that.

I have found, as have many of my friends and peers who are trying/have tried paleo, it's not necessarily sustainable to be 100% paleo 100% of the time. So, quite simply, this blog is informational - how I juggle eating paleo, a full-time job, playing rugby, and crossfit; the concessions I allow myself and how they affect life or performance. Because, sometimes, you need ice cream. And, sometimes, you need deadlifts.