
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fitness and alcohol - from this 20-something's perspective

If you read up on paleo diets, primal lifestyles, and/or nutrition in general, you know that consuming copious amounts of alcohol is not recommended. Sure, a glass of red wine here and there won't hurt (unless you're doing the whole 30), and may even help your overall health. But any more than that seriously impedes athletic performance and muscle growth. There's a great article about it here.

Now, I love CrossFit and rugby ...and there's nothing I like more than getting stronger, even if it means cutting alcohol out of my diet for a month or so. However, and I know I'm not alone here, there are times when this 20-something needs more than 1 or 2 glasses of red wine. These times include but are not limited to: rugby socials, happy hour, reunions with old friends, interactions with attractive people, any time that dancing is involved, and Tuesday nights.

This list makes me sound like a borderline alcoholic/big lush, but I swear I'm not. Okay, maybe a bit of a lush. But what single 20-something isn't? Fresh out of college (a.k.a party time!), free from "real" responsibilities (a.k.a. children), and awkward as all hell (hence the single). We need the social lubrication. If you feel my pain, here are some of the guidelines and consequences that I face when I choose to drink:

Whole 30: No drinking for 30 days. Feel great during the 30 days, but am usually itching to have a drink/get my dance on by the end of it. Usually reward myself on day 31 with an alcoholic bevvie or two, but try not to go crazy. One or two drinks is usually all it takes to get me to my happy place.
I got completely sloshed right after finishing my first Whole 30, and felt like absolute crap the next day. By the time I could stomach food, I ate absolute crap. Then I vowed to never drink alcohol or eat carbs again.

Paleo: Wine... usually a glass or two with dinner. Any more than that, and I feel miserable the next day and don't have carbs to comfort my hangover.
If any of the situations above are encountered, Patron gives me the strength/memory loss to get through it. I just know that I'll be useless the following day and my workouts will suffer for a few days.

"Mostly" Paleo: Same as above, but throw in the occasional weekend beer or cider. And, if faced with a hangover the next day, I usually allow for some kind of carb to deal. But, again, useless for workouts for a day or so.

Fallen off the paleo wagon: God help us... My go-to drink is usually Vodka-Cran (terrible), of which I drink several. The following day, I shove my face with carbs. My face is pimply as all hell. I lose muscle and gain fat, but don't notice because my clothes fit the same way. My workouts, while still existent, are not as hardcore as I like to convince myself I am. And sprinting feels like running through quicksand. This usually lasts about a month and results in a brand new Whole 30. And the cycle continues....

If you don't like my beverage choices, Mark's Daily Apple has a great guide to alcohol. Check it out!

Bottom line: If you're willing to sacrifice the intensity of your workouts for a night out every so often, go for it. But, if you're seriously strength training, just don't make it too often.

1 comment:

  1. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. So, as far as I'm concerned, there will be no record of you falling off the paleo wagon outside of Sin City.
