
Friday, February 17, 2012

The Aftermath of Vegas

So I went on a little hiatus... both from this blog and from paleo eating. In my mind, it was for good reason: Vegas.

Yes, I went to Vegas for the very first time last weekend. I didn't go just to party, and I definitely didn't go "with my girls" (Well, I did, but that wasn't the central reason for the trip). I went for rugby. Not to play, but to watch some great international 7s rugby. And the rugby was indeed great.

However, my days went something like this: wake up (usually hungover), maybe eat something. Head to the stadium to watch rugby, get some crappy stadium food (soft pretzel, kettle corn, etc.), drink beer. Head back to the hotel, maybe eat something (not paleo), take a nap. Wake up and rally - drink some more and go out dancing. Pass out for 4 hours. Repeat.

The whole experience felt surreal. The lights, the cigarette smoking, the drinking... all of it put me in a Vegas fog. In fact, I'm pretty sure Vegas was designed to do exactly that. I didn't feel like myself for the entire trip. I was tired, bloated, and cranky. I drank during the day to numb myself since I felt so crappy.

My Vegas fog hung around until Tuesday afternoon when I ate a paleo lunch (I got back on Monday). I have a much clearer head and more energy now, but, to my dismay, my workouts are still suffering and induce nausea.

I'd say that my Vegas trip was a success. No one died, got pregnant, or had a shotgun wedding... though my friend did throw up in garbage cans (yes, plural) while drunk running down the strip. Lesson learned. I got my one crazy Vegas trip out of the way and will never repeat it. Probably.

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