
Saturday, January 28, 2012

I am a big ol' liar

In my last post, I told you that our refrigerator tragically broke. Well, as you can imagine, it was not a 1-day ordeal. No, my friend, we were left sad and fridge-less for 2 whole days... the horror.

Well, a girl can't live on Chipotle for 2 whole days. I mean, she could, but it would get pretty boring. So I had no choice but to expand my paleo culinary horizon... This can be tough when going to new places. You don't know what kind of crazy ingredients are in their sauces, whether their beef/chicken is grassfed/pastured, if they have organic/local veggies... and who KNOWS what kind of oil they use.

Okay, I'm making the situation a bit more dramatic and helpless than it actually is. If a place has grassfed beef and organic/local veggies, they usually boast about it: "Hipsters and Hippie-wanna-bes everywhere, we have GRASS FED BEEF!!!" And it works.

Farm Burger is such an establishment. I had been there when I wasn't eating paleo, so I knew (1) it was delicious, (2) they had wholesome ingredients, and (3) that I'd have to stay away from their sauces. But I love lots of toppings on my burger, so definitely wanted as many as I could have. I just need to know what kind of oil they used to saute their veggies. So what did I do? That's right, I lied.

I went right up to the counter and asked "What kind of oil do you use to saute your mushrooms? What about your carmelized onions? I hate to be a pain, but I'm just allergic to certain oils." And the woman was very understanding and replied "a combination of grapeseed oil and canola oil." So I politely declined the extra toppings. No harm, no foul.

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