
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Getting Started...

"I can deal with the discipline of exercising, but not with the eating."

I figured it would be apropos that my first blog post would be about getting started on paleo. The above quote is from one of my fellow gym rats, who has heard all about paleo, but can't seem to take the plunge. And she certainly isn't alone. Let's face it: paleo can be daunting.

The first thing you're faced with is a list of what you can't have (and it's loooong) NO refined sugars, NO grains, NO legumes (really, legumes?!), NO soy... whaaa?!

And then, paleo turns our entire nutritional world upside-down...

image via

Growing up, we were told that whole grains were healthier than red meat, that dairy contained necessary vitamins but fat would kill you, and soy products were the bee's knees of healthy food. Now we're being told that the opposite is true. Disconcerting, no?

On top of that, convenient (read: pre-packaged, processed) foods and snacks are off limits. Who has time to prep all that food?

Why would anyone adopt this crazy, inconvenient lifestyle?! Because it promises to change your life. Because of the hundreds, nay thousands, of testimonials. Because ...just look at those Cross Fitters!

But, realistically... how can you get yourself to try it?

The power of choice: No one can bully you into eating paleo, including yourself. It has to be a conscious effort made exclusively by you. That way, there's no guilt, no blame, and no self-loathing. This is a great article written by a fellow gym member about the power of obligatory vs. decisive language.

Think about all of your life decisions. Which ones worked out best? The ones you chose, or the ones into which you were coerced? If coercion worked and my parents got their way, I would be a devout Catholic, republican, and a doctor. I am none of those things because I have actively chosen NOT to be them. I did, however, choose to eat paleo.

Baby Steps: Take it slow. Join a 30 day challenge and/or see if some friends would be interested in trying paleo. A social support group is invaluable in your first 30 days. Not to mention, you can give each other new ideas and recipes.

Keep an open mind: Thousands of people have come to think of paleo as the end-all, be-all. My good friend and workout/paleo buddy, we'll call her LB, recently referred to paleo as "the cure to all the world's problems." But, it's not for everyone. So, as with any other lifestyle change, approach with caution. If, after trying it, you feel the same way LB did, then great! If you hated paleo, drop it. At least you tried something new and different.

Reward yourself: I'm all for rewards at the end of a challenge. Particularly a food reward. A really good food reward.

I know this goes against all "diet" rules ever and, yes, I've seen the quote "Don't reward yourself with food. You're not a dog." I'm certainly not a dog (insert obvious, self-deprecating joke here), but I know that the prospect of a cannoli from Little Italy helped me get through my first 30 days.

On day 31, you may find yourself absolutely dying for cake from your favorite bakery. Go for it! Just don't go overboard. If you do, you'll regret it. Belieeeve me. Or don't, learn, and move on.

...Or, you may be like me and find that eating paleo is a reward in itself and nix your original incentive. More power to you! You'll never know if you don't try it.

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